Bow Thruster: Three Central Tips for Promoting Prolonged Service

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If you are interested in improving the manoeuvrability of your boat, you should consider investing in a bow thruster. This type of component is installed in some vessels as standard units. However, if your boat does not have one, you can plan for a retrofit. A bow thruster is beneficial because it will allow for smoother lateral movement. Consequently, you will be able to enjoy better performance and handling in limited space and rough waters. If you decide to use a bow thruster, use the outlined tips to ensure longer service. 

Choose a Good Thruster

It is important to choose an appropriate bow thruster for your boat. Often, this component fails prematurely due to incompatibility with its application. For instance, if it is too small, there will be more internal stress and subsequent wear. This will increase the cost of maintenance, and a replacement will be required after some time. Therefore, you must size the thruster correctly. In addition, consider factors such as your boat's profile, available space, power options and the weather conditions in which the vessel will be used.

Prevent Corrosion

Corrosion will cause a decline in thruster performance, and the component might fail completely due to the damage. Therefore, you must plan for the protection of the unit against this form of deterioration. Like other boat parts, thrusters become corroded due to prolonged exposure to moisture. Keep in mind that the bow thruster is installed near the wet anchor locker. Fortunately, you can ensure that the moisture does not penetrate the component through proper sealing. A new thruster is sealed using gaskets and sealant. You will only need to check for signs of seal compromise and conduct replacement before the component experiences rusting due to dampness.

Check the Electrical Parts

The electrical elements in your bow thruster assembly must be in good condition for optimal longevity and consistent performance. Therefore, it is advisable to make time for maintenance. The primary upkeep task is cleaning the connections. Ideally, you should disconnect the connection between the battery and the thruster. Then, check for any deposits on the terminals which could be affecting the smooth conduction of power. Clean these to restore energy efficiency. It is also worthwhile to assess other electrical components such as switches, solenoids and fuses. Replace as needed for better function.

Finally, you should plan for regular professional inspections of your bow thruster by a qualified boat specialist. A good servicing schedule will keep the component tuned, minimising the risk of sudden or gradual failure. 

Talk to a boat accessories supplier to learn more about bow thrusters, including Vetus thrusters
